Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Origin of My Blog's Name

         Having a lot of friends in school, in the Church, and in our neighborhood and being known to them as a very friendly person is what I want to become and be remembered for. I do not want to have any enemy or somebody who is mad at me because I truly want to live in peace and in harmony with the people around me. I want to get along real well with others having no trouble or any quarrels of any sort with them. But I know I cannot always please everybody with my words and actions because maybe there will be times that I will be tired, pressured of too much school activities and projects and that I might be seen not smiling but instead making faces due to tiresome, and so as early as now, I am telling everyone not to think of me as a bad person or an ungrateful one because truly I am not bad. Since I want to give peace the people I meet, I will always try and do my best to keep on smiling at them, saying kind words to them and trying to be polite always with them. So that when they think of me, I hope they could remember me as a person of peace and love.
         And so I chose the title of a peace giver for my blog for the people to know that is what I want of myself to become, a peace giver not of war and anger but of love and harmony. I want to be a giver of peace not only because of the people around me and most especially not because of myself, but because that is what I have learned from the seminars and teachings I have attended in the past in our Church, that God and Mama Mary want us always to become sharers of peace and love and not of anger and hatred, that Mama Mary and God love us more so tenderly if it is love we give to our neighbors. That if we give more love, more peace to others, the more it will be given to us in return. Also, that love and peace is not achieved through the material things here on earth, but of real peace with God and neighbors. Whatever trials and problems we encounter along the road, we will surely overcome and surpass them all if we have real peace in our hearts and if we become real peace givers.
         Here are some verses from our Bible which prove of God’s desire for us to have peace…

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.—John 14:27

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